Thursday, December 18

More Information for Prayer

To catch up on this prayer request, click NICU in my file menu.

I don't think I could even begin to cover the details of what has happened over the past few days, so let me try to summarize the highlights:
  • Baby has been completely weaned off at least one medication and is being slowly weaned from several others. She's lost more than a pound and a half of retained fluid.
  • At separate times, each lung has collapsed. The doctors have inserted chest tubes to help eliminate the air in her chest and they have repositioned her onto her stomach.
  • She is beginning to show reflexive actions, such as trying to raise her fists to her mouth.
  • Her ventilator has been changed and they've dropped her oxygen from 100 to the mid-forties (I think that's percent, but I'm not certain).
  • She's been diagnosed with low thyroid function and has been or will be started on a synthetic hormone.
  • Mama has started singing to her, which calms her down and improves her levels (as visible on the monitors).
  • Finally, the medical staff seems to be more hopeful. Mama sent a message today that for the first time the doctor used the phrase "long term" when referring to her care.
Obviously, she's not out of the woods yet, but she has made, and is continuing to make significant improvements. Please continue to pray for baby, mama, daddy, and big brother.

1 comment:

  1. My heart goes out to this family, Amy. I'm praying for them!


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