Wednesday, February 25

Not Sick Yet

Still wondering if I'll be coming down with the family cold, but so far I'm in the clear. In fact, I had a wonderful morning on my own while Adam and our daughter lay low at home.

Among other things, while I was out, I started getting caught up on my 2009 Reading List updates. Check out the list for new reviews of:




  1. Thanks for continuing with your reviews! I see those Emily Giffin books in the store all the time and wonder if they're good.

    I LOVED reading Ramona books when I was a girl! I remember writing a book review on one of them in the sixth grade. :)

  2. Ramona quite possibly, well...and of course, the ever responsible Beatrice, are responsible for my entire formation in elementary school. :) Loved Ramona books!

    Hope you're feeling better, too. (Read the posts above)


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