Saturday, April 12

I've Gotta Try This

So Blogger has some new features in beta--including the one I've been waiting for: scheduled publishing! I often have a chunk of time to work on my blog, but don't want to overwhelm my loyal readers (Hi, guys!) with four posts on one day, then nothing at all for the next two weeks.

For the past couple of months, I've been trying to write posts as I think of ideas and have time, then just wait to publish them until it's been a few days or the appropriate day of the week comes. Unfortunately, sometimes I forget or get busy on whatever day I meant to log on and hit "Publish" so my posts get put off for a week or three.

But now, with Blogger in Draft, I can be writing this post while my daughter takes a much needed nap on Friday afternoon and it will (I trust) show up promptly on schedule Saturday morning, while I hope to be sleeping in or having a lazy morning over my puff pancake.

Here goes nothing!


  1. I can't wait to try this! I'm sort of like you - some days I can write 3 posts, but then I go 3 days with NOTHING! It would also be nice to set posts to go when I'm out of town or otherwise occupied!

  2. This will be a cool feature. I totally know what you mean about the ebb and flow of blogging!

  3. Ooh, nice. I hadn't heard about that new feature yet.


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