I wasn't quite sure what to expect at Dr. P's office this morning. She hadn't mentioned what she would do exactly and I hadn't thought to research it before we went. She came in to the room with a plastic-wrapped fine-pointed tweezers and sharp-tipped scissors, which she proceeded to poke into my daughter's neck for the next 10 minutes. All of us were incredibly proud of how quiet and still my little girl stayed. Dr. P even kept telling her how much easier she was making the procedure.

Finally, after breaking into four bits, the head was removed. After all that good behavior, my daughter was rewarded with a lollipop as big as my hand. Nurse Jamie brought it in and suggested we may want to limit her to one lick a day.
I think my little girl would have kicked and screamed. Your daughter did an amazibg job. I am so glad that awful thing is off of her. Do you have your appetites back now? :O)