Monday, November 15

I'm a Pop Star

Longtime readers of this blog know that I often enjoy, or am forced by my family's allergies, to made homemade versions of treats readily available at the grocery store. I've made popcorn on the stove for years, mostly for the cost savings, but also because so much microwave and prepackaged popcorn contains milk proteins. Still, it wasn't until just the last month or so that I considered the true versatility of stovetop popcorn--or how easy it really is.

bowl of popcornBasic Buttered Popcorn
2 T oil
1/3 c popcorn kernels
½ t salt
1 T butter
  1. Combine ingredients in a 2-quart saucepan, making sure popcorn kernels are in a single layer.
  2. Heat on high until popcorn begins popping.
  3. Shake pan vigorously every 30-45 seconds until popping slows to 1-2 seconds between pops.
  4. Remove from heat and pour into large bowl. Serve hot.

Kettle Corn
2 T oil
1/3 c popcorn kernels
½ t salt
2 T sugar
  1. Combine ingredients in a 2-quart saucepan, making sure popcorn kernels are in a single layer.
  2. Heat on high, shaking every 10-15 seconds until kernels begin popping.
  3. Shake pan continuously until rapid popping slows.
  4. Remove from heat; continue to shake until popping slows to 1-2 seconds between pops.
  5. Pour into a large bowl. Shake and let cool 2-3 minutes. Shake again before serving.
Buttery Kettle Corn: Add 1 T butter.
Cinnamon Corn: Add ½ t cinnamon.


  1. Mmmm ... yum. I always have problems with it getting too greasy. Any advice for that?

  2. Do you measure the amount of oil/butter you use? I found that actually measuring it allowed me to use a lot less than I'd thought I needed.

    I also found that adding butter straight into the pan spread it more evenly than pouring melted butter over popped corn.


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